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Monday, August 11, 2014

A-1 Home Care - Reaching out to Seniors Everywhere!

Did you know that there are currently 39 million people aged 65 and older using Facebook, Twitter, and Skype? This makes them the fastest growing age demographic on these sites. It certainly does paint a contrast to the stereotypical image of the technologically illiterate elderly person. These numbers prove that seniors are not only able, but eager and excited to learn about and use social media for their purposes. We, at A-1 Home Care, are not at all surprised by this and that's why we have made our efforts to reach out to more seniors.

By creating our very own pages on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and more, we have extended our hand to seniors everywhere in ofference of our elderly and caregiver services. By promoting 24 Hour Care and Senior Care, we have succeeded in sending our message out to both the elderly and young demographics. In fact, our Facebook, which offers much information about our After-Surgery and Alzheimer's & Dementia Care, has reached over 2,000 likes in less than a year!

For more information on our caregiver services, call our office at 310 657 8780 or check us out at Los Angeles In Home Care.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

Caregivers Available for the Elderly This Summer

With temperatures rising and schools everywhere shutting down for vacation, the parks and beaches outside will see an increase in people and that would all because the highly anticipated season of the year has finally dawned upon us... Summer is here! The kids are out and about and the weather is fantastic.Or at least, for some of us. Southern California Summer can reach up to 90 Degrees at times and in some places, even up to 100 Degrees. While most adults and younger folks can find this heat tolerable, it can be a bigger threat for elderly seniors. What this often means is that they may require extra care and attention this season, which has some people asking how to manage work, and caring for both children and the elderly.

A-1 Home Care has the solution to this answer and we are proud to offer our services as a caregiver agency.  We've been providing families with In Home and 24 hour caregivers since 1991, so we've learned a lot about the business throughout the years, including what is necessary in delivering care for the elderly during different seasons. Our caregivers, who each have 2 or more years of caregiving experience, are experts when it comes to Elderly Care, as well as other facets of care including Diabetic Care and Heart Attack Care 

So why not make sure that your elderly loved ones enjoy Summer 2014? Call us now at 310 657 8780  to find out more about our services or check out our website. You can also find out more by liking us on Facebook!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Questions for Elder Law Attorneys/ Elder Law & Conservatorship

When seeking an elder law attorney, your first question may be: How do I find this type of attorney? Before making the effort, step back a moment and try to determine whether you actually have a legal problem in which an attorney needs to be involved. If you’re not sure, ask your clergy, your financial advisor, a social worker, or a trusted friend to help you decide whether this is a legal issue rather than a medical or a social services issue. Legal expertise is expensive and it serves you well to know that you actually need legal assistance before seeking an attorney. 

When you do find someone, ask lots of questions before selecting an Elder or Special Needs Law attorney. Questions can include:
  • How long has the attorney been in practice?
  • Does his or her practice emphasize a particular area of law?
  • How long has he or she been in this field?
  • What percentage of his or her practice is devoted to Elder or Special Needs Law?
  • Is there a fee for the first consultation, and if so how much is it?
  • Given the nature of your problem, what information should you bring with you to the initial consultation?
A-1 Home Care is A+ rated with the BBB and a member of the National Care Planning Council. We provide care in MonroviaPasadena, Brentwood, Hollywood, San Marino andTorrance. 

Visit http://www.lainhomecareservice.com/ or call 310-657-8780 to speak with an Intake Coordinator today! Or see our updates at www.facebook.com/a1homecareagency

Thursday, January 16, 2014

National Folic acid Awareness Week/ A-1 Home Care Los Angeles

This week is National Folic Acid Awareness Week! A-1 Home Care is dedicated to hiring personal attendants for excellent pregnancy/ postpartum care giving services.

Folic acid is a part of the B complex of vitamins. It is vital for the formation of healthy red blood cells and for many other cells in the body. The form of folic acid occurring naturally in food is called ‘folate’.

Pregnant or breast feeding women and children during their growing years especially require folate in their diet. In pregnant women, for example, lack of folate in diet can lead to severe nerve defects like neural tube defects and anencephaly in their unborn children. Luckily, reputable prenatal vitamin producers ensure that adequate folic acids are included as ingredients in their products. It's so important to get this essential nutrient in your diet. Please be sure to provide self care, and get this in your diet. This can easily be achieved by the additions of the following foods:

Pinto Beans
Black Beans
Turnip Greens

A-1 Home Care is A+ rated with the BBB and a member of the National Care Planning Council. We provide care in Monrovia, Pasadena, Brentwood, Hollywood, San Marino and Torrance.

Visit http://www.lainhomecareservice.com/ or call 310-657-8780 to speak with an Intake Coordinator today!